Vocabulary, reading comprehension, and discussions are all a part of our reading rotations!

Using popsicle sticks to regroup ones into tens into a hundred. #mathcanbefun

PreK/K is Wild About Everything! Snakes, pets, nature, Power Rangers, school, pigs, lions... Oh My! Diving into our Wit & Wisdom Module... Wild About Books!

Number fun! Hide and Seek with the sand table.

Relationships in Ecosystems Linktivity ☀️

Playtime fun in PreK/K

Tech Time!

Another (short) week in 1/2....movement brain breaks, games with friends, and another WODB- which one doesn't belong?

Where in the United States is...

We can find the area and perimeter of a shape!

A Starry Night artwork!

Practice with nonfiction text features! Interactive activity stories 🤓

A week in 1/2- working on pentominoes puzzles, building another "clothes line" number line so we can talk about rounding numbers, and getting our wiggles out with "The Wiggle Dance"!

Learning about the four seasons and creating booklets to show how trees change during each.

We have had a great week of learning!

We love learning with technology!

Reading rotations including text features, reading comprehension, and vocabulary practice! 📚

Prime Factorization with factor trees 🌲 these kids are math wizards!

We love playing with new technology during indoor recess.

Let's get the wiggles out!